10x Level Up Retreat With Liam Ryan

Hi Everybody,

I just arrived back home after attending an awesome 10x Level Up business retreat held in Marbella, Spain for 5 days, which was organised by Liam Ryan from Assets For Life.

It really was a life changing event and what happened during those last 5 days was truly amazing.

Monday started by meeting the 5 mentors for the week who were:

Liam Ryan and Jay Munoz the joint founders of Assets For Life which was established in 2017, after Liam´s previous business went bust losing him around $400k. Assets For Life is a company centred around property and education and has built itself a reputation as the best such company in the UK during the last 8 years.

Liam Ryan has been featured in Forbes magazine, is an 8-figure property business entrepreneur, a best-selling author, a mentor, and co-founder of Assets For Life.

Jay Munoz is an 8-figure property business entrepreneur, a best-selling author, mentor, and co-founder of Assets For Life. He was born in Colombia and he acknowledges that in all honesty had a privileged upbringing. He has recently completed construction of his own passiv house, as he is a civil engineer by background.

Jim Francis is a top level mentor from the USA (Florida) who has been and is a highly successful investor and entrepreneur and who has been coached by many millionaires and a couple of billionaire mentors himself. Jim was for 8.5 years head of a Fortune 500 company. He was also mentored by Tony Robbins and is an NLP practitioner. NLP is Neuro Linguistic Programming which enables you to bring about positive change in your life through programming your mind using the right prompts.

Doug James is also a highly successful entrepreneur who has built himself a massive following on Facebook and Instagram. His background is Marketing and Sales and he specializes in building relationships with people which are mutually beneficial. He has built several facebook groups which focus on a certain type of pension fund, known as a Self Administered Pension Scheme (SSAS). Doug spends his life living his dreams skiing and socializing. He also manages to fit in business during his leisure time and whilst on the retreat he bought two properties, pretty neat!

Oliver Hams is the Assets For Life Sales Performance coach and has an extensive sales background spanning property, collectible investments and fine art. Oliver has been with Assets for Life for just under a year and he has established himself as a driving force behind the success of the companies he has worked with previously. He has raised up to $50m of finance from high net worth clients over his career.

During the week there was a lot of emphasis on 3 main aspects of success, having the right Strategy, the right Belief and to take massive Action. I am sure that is no surprise to anyone reading this article.

We discussed various strategies for buying and selling properties and especially negotiation strategies, which involved understanding the psychology of the person that you are negotiating with.

There are 4 basic personality types that are represented by the 4 suites of the pack of playing cards. The Club, The Spade, The Heart and the Diamond, which can be represented as 4 quadrants, the Club and the Spade taking the top half, and the Heart and the Diamond taking the lower half of the quadrant.

Taking sub-sections of each basic personality type, there are actually 16 personality types, and you can take the test to see which one you are yourself by going to 16personalities.com.

By understanding the personality of the person you are negotiating with, you can anticipate how they may deal with the negotiation and how you can best achieve the best outcome for you. Ideally the outcome would be a WIN WIN solution for both parties, but you can reach that end game by offering the right solution for the particular personality trait that you are dealing with.

Maybe if you are from a Marketing and Sales background you already understand this stuff, but for me it was all new, so i felt informed and empowered by the education and training during the week.

It certainly showed me how matching and mirroring the person with whom you are negotiating helps to build rapport, and therefore trust, which is a long way towards them reaching a decision that they would like to do business with you.

Communication between individuals can be Visual, Auditory or Kinesthetic and you need to get your message across in the most appropriate way for the recipient of your message. We all know the power of videos in messaging and we discussed the power of using Social Media to get your message out to your followers and others to let them know what you are doing.

If you know how to communicate your message in the right way, you can influence the people in your audience that you may have a solution that can solve their particular pain or problem.

Frequently, we need to put ourselves out of our comfort zone if we are going to get the sort of results that we would like, and this can mean that you are doing things differently to what you have in the past, so that you can achieve those different and better results that you are seeking.

You must have a strong self belief and show confidence that the solution you are offering can help your audience, and that you have a Unique Selling Proposition that differentiates you from your competitors.

Also you need to be creative about how you find the solutions to people´s problems, so that you become known as a reliable problem solver, and a trustworthy business partner.

To emphasise the point about self belief, Jim Francis showed each of the attendees how to break a board with the heel of your hand. It is about having the right strategy for achieving that outcome, the belief that you can do it and taking the right action. Speed is the thing that enables you to break the board using the right technique.

Another self belief exercise that Jim undertook with each attendee was to break an arrow (yes a real arrow) which was set in your throat, by having the right strategy or technique, and taking the appropriate firm action to achieve the shattering of the arrow. It sounds easy once you have done it, but can be a little worrying until you have done it once. Like many things in life that you don´t normally do, and wouldn´t do because they are outside your comfort zone. You need to feel the fear but step forward and do it anyway.

You can change your belief systems as well, by first of all identifying a negative belief system that you would like to change. You then create a doubt that the belief is true, necessary or serving you. Then you can create the opposite belief, then justiy that opposite belief, and create a positive reward associated with the new belief. Easy when you know how:-)

Doug James also educated us about the difference between Marketing and Sales, and how to present your offers and how to close them. In order to do this you really need to know the avatar of your ideal customer and find out where your ideal customer hangs out, so that you can start to get your message out to them , and influence them over time that you can solve their problem or pain point. You will need to use the right words to convey your ability to solve the customer´s problem, so that you build that confidence that they want to work with you.

I wont go into more detail as maybe you already know about this sort of information. For me it was eye opening and motivating, and I have a long list of actions to follow up on to capitalise on my learnings, and turn the positive actions into positive results.

I wish you all a very enjoyable weekend, wherever you are in the world.


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